Family Boss Fight: Jimmy Lechon

Silverio Fallaci is being pushed out* by Jimmy Lechon, the new Family Boss who thinks there's not enough room for the both of 'em. Use the collaborative strength of your family to show him that he's not as dangerous as he thinks he is, and be among the top contributors to the fight for a chance to recieve the Death Card (200/200) when your family beats him!

Family Boss Fights pit your entire family against an epic boss. In the case of Jimmy Lechon, you'll have 7 days to reduce his 1,125,000 health to zero. (You may have more or less time to take out future Family Bosses.) Whenever the timer runs out on a Family Boss Fight, the boss' health resets and you will have another chance to prove your family is in charge.

*Note: If your family is currently engaged in a Family Boss Fight with Silverio Fallaci, you'll have to complete that fight in order for Jimmy Lechon to become available.

If you're not familiar with how Family Boss Fights work, check out here.

[via Official MW blog]

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