Mafia Wars Update: This & Next Week - 10/14/2011

Released This Week

Mission Event: La Casa Grande
Imagine getting thrown in the big house. Now imagine getting thrown in the big house in Brazil! Escape by 5:00pm PDT on 10/21 to earn the Jaguarundi (87/159).

Secret District: Leticia, Colombia
Uncover the secrets of this jungle hideaway before it closes at 4:00pm PDT on 10/25!

October Collector's Edition Items (Updated)
The October Collector's Edition Item schedule is complete.

A Note About Limited-Time-To-Request-Upgrade-Parts NYC Properties
Being unable to request upgrade parts for the Sports Bar, Venetian Condo, Tad's Gun Shop, and Biker Clubhouse is not a bug. Learn why in this article.

Coming Next Week*
*As far as currently scheduled, but things can change.
Fight Loot Refresh
Slots Bonus Wheel Loot Refresh
The Next Limited-Time-To-Request-Upgrade-Parts NYC Property
Episode 12 of Mafia Wars Insider

via Official MW blog

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