Mafia Wars Updates, June 2010
You can check below the latest updates done by Zynga on Mafia Wars.
- Double Fight Loot Event – fights that normally would drop one random loot item will instead drop two of that loot item for the duration of the event
- Attacks on hitlisted players now have a chance to drop loot items
- Introduced 12 new high-end items exclusive to fighting
- Added additional Bangkok items to the fight loot list
- Removed iced hitlisting (hitlisting targets when your health is below 20)
- Properties reaching the collectable state are now safe from robbing for 2 hours, down from 12 hours
- Properties can be robbed of up to 90% of their payout, up from 70%
- Changed the shareable boost for icing a target from Hot Coffee (+5 Att) to Liquid Courage (+44 Att)
- Added 4 new achievements for icing opponents
- Fight list will now refresh 33% faster
- Replaced the reward for completing 4 lottery tickets in a row from 1 skill point to 1 reward point
- Removed the “fight bundle” pop-up
- Healing at the hospital will now automatically close the dialog box